How to Whitelabel the Vapi AI Twilio Inbound Webhook


This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for setting up a Cloudflare Worker to whitelabel Twilio’s inbound call webhook. You’ll learn how to route requests through a custom domain and forward them to VAPI AI. We assume familiarity with Twilio and VAPI AI.


  • A Cloudflare account
  • A domain managed on Cloudflare (DNS setup complete)
  • Familiarity with Twilio and VAPI AI
  • Visual Studio Code (VSCode) installed
  • Node.js and npm installed for Wrangler CLI

Install Cloudflare Wrangler CLI

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Install Wrangler globally:
    npm install -g wrangler
  3. Verify installation:
    wrangler --version

Once installed, you’re ready to initialize your Worker project.

Set Up Your Worker Project

  1. Create a new directory for your project:
    mkdir twilio-vapi-middleware
    cd twilio-vapi-middleware
  2. Initialize a Cloudflare Worker project:
    wrangler init
  3. Replace the default content in wrangler.toml with:
    # Basic Worker Configuration
    name = "twilio-vapi-middleware"
    main = "src/index.ts"
    compatibility_date = "2024-12-05"
    # Route Configuration
    routes = [
      { pattern = "https://INSERT_CUSTOM_DOMAIN/*", zone_id = "INSERT_DOMAIN_ID" }
    # Environment Variables

    Replace INSERT_CUSTOM_DOMAIN and INSERT_DOMAIN_ID with your actual domain and Zone ID.

Add Your Worker Code

  1. Open src/index.ts and replace its content with:
    export default {
      async fetch(req: Request): Promise {
        try {
          if (req.method === "POST" && req.url.includes("/twilio-webhook")) {
            return forwardToVAPI(req);
          return new Response("Not Found", { status: 404 });
        } catch {
          return new Response("Internal Server Error", { status: 500 });
    const VAPI_WEBHOOK_URL = "";
    async function forwardToVAPI(req: Request): Promise {
      const body = await req.text();
      const response = await fetch(VAPI_WEBHOOK_URL, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: req.headers,
      return new Response(response.body, {
        status: response.status,
        headers: response.headers,
  2. Save the file and proceed to deploy.

Deploy the Worker

  1. Log in to Cloudflare:
    wrangler login
  2. Deploy your Worker:
    wrangler publish

Wrangler will output the URL of your deployed Worker.

Set Up a Custom Domain

  1. Go to the Workers section of the Cloudflare dashboard.
  2. Add a route:
    • Route: https://your-custom-domain/*
    • Worker: Select your Worker
  3. Update DNS settings:
    • Add a CNAME record.
    • Name: api
    • Target:

Configure Twilio Webhook

  1. Log in to Twilio and go to Phone Numbers > Manage > Active Numbers.
  2. Select the number you want to configure.
  3. Set the webhook URL to your custom domain:
  4. Save the changes and test the configuration.

Testing and Troubleshooting

Make a test call to your Twilio number and verify that the Worker forwards the request to VAPI. If issues occur, use Wrangler to view logs:

wrangler tail
Jesper Rietbergen

I’m Jesper, co-founder of Flireo, and I’ve made it my mission to help businesses unlock growth through AI automation. Together with my team, we are passionate about delivering real, measurable results for businesses that are ready to scale smarter, not harder.

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